So here is our monthly update of what is expected to come in during the next few weeks.

Firstly we have to give you the inevitable Covid 19 update following the governments new lockdown announcement.
The shop will close to the public from Thursday 5th Novemeber.
Online orders via the website, Ebay shop and a click and collect service will continue to operate. We do anticipate some delivery delays may occur during this time as couriors get busier than normal.
We will operate a click and collect service for local customers only. In the short term please message, email or call us to arrange this. We will get the system up and running via the website as well in the near future, but it will take a few days.
Click and collect is only available for local customers though. Please do not travel large distances to us.
The service will be available from 11am to 3pm from Monday to Friday. It will also be available Saturday morning by prior arrangement if required.
This will no doubt be a challenging time for us all. We appreciate your support at this time and ask you remember us when making plans for Xmas gifts and projects and please tell your friends about us.
Hopefully this lockdown doesn't last long and we can get back to normal.
Now the good news of whats coming in soon!
To say there are alot of new items coming is a bit of an understatment!
Far to many to put up pictures of them all so instead a few images and a list.
There are a few long awaited and exciting models, as well as restocks of old favourites.
The Tamiya VQS, which is a re release with updates of the Vanquish is bound to be popular and we will only get limited numbers.
Tamiya also release there XS-A series of pre built classic models. Just add radio gear and go.
The first of these are due mid month, with more following in December.
46701 XS-A Lunchbox
46702 XS-A Racing Fighter
46703 XS-A Hornet
In kit form we also have due in:
58684 Toyota GR Yaris
58686 VQS Vanquish
47453 VW Type 2 (T1) Flower (M05)
47452 VW Scirocco (TT01E)
58205 Mad Bull
58336 The Hornet
58384 Subaru Brat
58613 Toyota Supra TT-02D)
58628 Racing Fighter (DT-03)
58654 Lancia 037 Rally (TA-02S)
58649 NSU TT Jager (M05)
58650 VW Beetle Rally (MF-01X)
Team Associated B6.2 Stadium Truck
Team Associated B6.2 Short Course